Surgical Periodontics


With the progression of periodontal disease the supporting gum tissue and bone is destroyed, forming "pockets" around the teeth that allow space for bacteria to build up. As they accumulate, more tissue and bone loss occurs.

A technique to reverse the damage to periodontal supporting tissue involves the use of graft material, bone substitute or tissue stimulating proteins to encourage body's natural ability to regenerate the lost apparatus. This technique is referred to as Guided Tissue Regeneration.

Another surgical technique, Resective surgery, will allow "pocket reduction" by means of removing the diseased tissue to provide better access to root surface debridement, reshape the irregular surface of the damaged bone to allow the gum tissue reattach to the underlying healthy, smooth bone surface.

Surgical therapy also includes:
  Crown Lengthening
  Periodontal Plastic Surgery
  Ridge Augmentation
  Dental Implants


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